Hearsay is the Law Society's fortnightly member e-newsletter. Hearsay keeps members informed on issues of interest to the local profession, and provides useful information, such as changes to practice and procedure, changes to legislation, practice changes, conferences and seminars, missing wills, employment opportunities, and upcoming seminars and social events.

Hearsay is proudly sponsored by The College of Law.

Members and stakeholders are encouraged to submit short notices for inclusion in Hearsay. Any submissions or advertisements for Hearsay should be emailed to the Communications Officer on communications@beta.actls.bond.software as plain text in the body of the email.

Please note that event listings may attract a fee. Commercial events (i.e. any event that charges an entry fee) must be submitted as an advertisement (please refer to the Rate Card below). Charity events and free events may be included at the editor's discretion, depending on available space and relevance to the legal community.

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