Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee

Showing 6 of 6 results for Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee

The multi-door courthouse

11 Apr 2022

The multi-door courthouse

Our Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee presents the next part in their ongoing series about the ins and outs of ADR. Learn about the multi-door courthouse concept, which envisages a court offering an array of options for the resolution of legal disputes. From the Autumn 2022 edition of Ethos.

What is alternative dispute resolution all about?

20 Dec 2021

What is alternative dispute resolution all about?

The Law Society’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee has prepared a brief outline to explain what ADR is. From the Summer 2021 edition of Ethos.

Looking for a family lawyer with mediation experience?

2 Aug 2021

Looking for a family lawyer with mediation experience?

You may have heard local lawyer Debra Parker, Chair of our Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, chatting with Georgia Stynes on ABC Radio recently about mediation options for family law – options that can help people avoid lengthy family court processes in situations like divorce and custody disputes.

A not-so arbitrary solution: ADR in a post COVID-19 landscape

24 Jul 2020

A not-so arbitrary solution: ADR in a post COVID-19 landscape

Debra Parker and Claire Naidu from the Law Society’s ADR Committee discuss the new opportunities for alternative forms of dispute resolution arising from the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic. From the Winter 2020 edition of Ethos.

What is mediation?

What is mediation?

What, exactly, is mediation, and how does it work? Our ADR Committee explains.