Contact us

Contact the ACT Law Society


Telephone: 02 6274 0300

Office: Level 4, 1 Farrell Place, Canberra City ACT 2601


The Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory, ABN 60 181 327 029
Postal address: GPO Box 1562, CANBERRA ACT 2601

Please respect our staff

We have zero tolerance for rudeness, bullying, or harassment of our staff. We accept kindness, patience, and respect.

Submit a complaints enquiry

If you would like to make a general enquiry about a possible complaint, please visit our complaints page for more information.


The President is the primary spokesperson for the ACT Law Society. For all media enquiries please contact:

Settlements Office

The ACT Settlements Office (also known as the Settlements Room) is located at
Level 1, 11 London Circuit, Canberra City.