Changing workplace culture workshop

Sexual Harassment: Changing workplace culture workshop

Why a workshop?

The Australian legal profession came under the spotlight in 2020 for high rates of sexual harassment which exposed a subculture of non-reporting, passive bystanding, and mistrust around the management of complaints.

In responding to these issues, individual Societies and Associations have focussed on the education and training of their members in inappropriate workplace conduct and sexual harassment.

This workshop is an Australian first legal industry training resource developed to deal with the issue of sexual harassment and workplace culture in the profession. 

The workshop identifies inappropriate conduct, the role of bystanders, workplace culture, and the reporting and management of complaints. Recorded scenes using professional actors are featured to aid learning and understanding of this serious issue, challenging what each of us can do to reduce the harm to individuals, organisations and the profession as a result of sexual harassment.

The workshop is delivered by trained facilitators in a 90 minute / 1.5 CPD point format.

The ACT Law Society acknowledges the Queensland Law Society’s support in developing and licensing this workshop content to us. 

Learning objectives

At the completion of the workshop participants will have the knowledge and understanding of substantive content dealing with:

  • what constitutes sexual harassment
  • data on the incidence, reporting rates, and the implications for individuals and the legal profession of sexual harassment
  • how individual behaviours impact workplace culture
  • the predominant traits and culture in legal workplaces that may act as catalysts for harassment and bullying behaviours
  • the role of bystanders in changing culture and tools for responding as an active bystander
  • the role of leadership in modelling positive behaviour in legal workplaces
  • the importance of appropriate sexual harassment and bullying policies and training processes in legal workplaces
  • the options and appropriate responses to manage an incident experienced or observed
  • the options available for further and ongoing support for those dealing with incidents of sexual harassment or bullying.


The workshop is highly interactive and deals with sensitive content.

The training is delivered by expert facilitators trained specifically to deliver this content for the Society.

The workshop is structured over six chapters incorporating four video resources:

  1. Video 1 ‘Real Life Stories’, research material overview and introduction to legal profession cultural traits
  2. Video 2 ‘The Incident’ followed by debrief and discussion of learning objectives
  3. Active bystanding and role modelling
  4. Video 3 ‘The Complaint’ followed by debrief and discussion of leaning objectives
  5. Video 4 ‘Diary Room’ debrief of perpetrator and target reflections and consequences
  6. Call to action, support services.


To arrange a date and time for the workshop to be delivered to your team, contact Professional Development and Events Officer, Casey Magnussen, on

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